Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The REASON for the Season

As many of you know this past Friday has started the shopping season for the holidays. It was kicked off with a bang on "black Friday" which turned out to be a little darker than usual. This year a Wal-mart employee somewhere up north was trampled to death in all the scurrying and stampeding to get to this year's newest hot toy or electronic. Well people I've just got to say that I am so disappointed. There is no thing in the world worth fighting over or running over another human being for that is so important. I mean someone died for crying out loud. And if you were one of those people knocking someone out of the way or pushing, shoving, and fighting then you need a reality check. Your kids don't need that toy that bad and in two months they won't play with it anyway. This big show of having to get everything on your list is NOT what Christmas is about. It's about our Lord being born and recognizing this time as something special. This is when God sent his son to earth to begin his life so that he could save us. Its also a time about learning to give and not to receive. And no I'm not talking about giving your kids toys or other loved ones big expensive presents but if you do that is fine. I'm saying that don't forget about those who are less fortunate around this time of year. So instead of spending boo-koodles of money on yourself donate a toy, time, or some money to a local charity. You can live without some of those "hot" items this year so that another family can have a Christmas dinner or for kids who don't get anything for Christmas. I'm going to take my own advice and buy some toys and spend some time at the Rescue Squad this year. So everyone please remember what Christmas is really about and yes it's Merry Christmas NOT Happy Holidays.


Mim said...

Sweet Regan,
I am beaming with pride that you are my niece. What a wonderful blog entry and so true. God loved us unconditionally and gave his only son and expects to do the same. I've ready Romans 12 this morning and will read it again for the admonishments there remind me of how short I fall. I love you dearly, Aunt E

Mylie and Me said...

Amen Sister!