Monday, July 28, 2008

Surprise Surprise!!!

Well as most of you know I am back in the USA. I arrived back in Nashville on the 24th (my birthday), after I was stuck in Philadelphia for a whole day. So for anyone planning to fly let me not reccommend USAirways. They suck. When I got home no one knew that I was coming back except for my mom, sister, brother, and my Aunt Wendy ( kirby let it slip) so it was a complet surprise to everyone else when I popped out. I missed Connor sooo much. He just loved on me and hugged me when he saw me. It was so precious. The birthday party was so much fun. I hid in my mom's bedroom until everyone arrived and then I waited till everyone was in the kitchen singing "happy birthday" and right up until they said "Happy Birthday dear Ramsey..." I popped out and said "And ME!". It took everyone a while to figure out that it was really me. Hunter's face was priceless. I loved getting to see my family again but it also made me miss my European families too. I miss you guys and love you and I will call soon. Lucy Happy (early) Birthday.

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